Case Study - Salvus Alerting


Salvus Alerting is a Dallas-based cyber security company, which provides alerting solutions to inform businesses of possible cyber security threats. The subscription-based service is used primarily by business administrators and web developers to track changes, bugs and any other internet security threats that may affect the day-to-day business operations of small to medium-sized companies. Incorporated in 2009, Salvus Alerting currently has one physical office location, but operates as a distributed staff. Salvus employs four full-time staffers and a handful of part-time offshore developers.

Salvus Alerting Business Challenges

Tony Moon, Chief Technology Officer, and the Salvus Alerting team were heavily reliant on both Google Docs and e-mail for sharing business and data, due to the company's distributed work model. However, hundreds of e-mails a day were changing hands, and it was nearly impossible to track file versions or ensure that the most updated files were being shared with the team.

Google Docs allowed the team to share files, but was often difficult to use and didn't provide a visually-pleasing platform to view files.

It wasn't until a dramatic event occurred that Tony really experienced his "ah-ha" moment. Salvus previously used an external file server to back up its company data. However, after the data center failed one day, the Salvus team was unable to access any data for a 24-hour period. At that point, Tony knew that he needed to implement a solution that integrated both online and offline data access, collaboration and backup to ensure anytime access to critical files.

The Solution

Tony began conducting a web search for cloud backup solutions to solve Salvus' problem. A review of Egnyte caught his eye, because it was different from all of the other solutions. The Egnyte hybrid local cloud was exactly what he was looking for. The solution would allow for on-site backup to sync directly with the cloud, and provide data access from anywhere, on-the-go.

The Salvus Alerting team now uses the Egnyte Local Cloud, which enables them to access the entire file server from anywhere. The team loves the automatic synchronization that ensures they always have the latest file version.

A short time after adopting Egnyte as a best practice, Tony was in a hotel during a storm when the entire ceiling collapsed and he lost EVERYTHING - all of his electronics were destroyed. As soon as Tony got his new computer, he was back up and running within 3 clicks of his mouse. Egnyte saved Tony from months of work - dynamic changes and source code modifications -being permanently lost.

Key Benefits

  • Dynamic and automatic synchronization ensures optimal data security
  • Having data all in one place saves time searching for files - and latest versions are easy to find
  • The ability to access files from anywhere, anytime allows for increased productivity

When asked to sum up the benefits and experience with Egnyte, Tony Moon said:

"Egnyte's hybrid cloud gives me peace of mind as a business owner, as I know my data is continually protected and easily accessible no matter where I may be working. In addition, it is a great combination of ease of use, functionality and pricing. This service will not let you down."

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